
American [əˈmerɪkən]  [əˈmɛrɪkən] 


American 基本解释

名词美国人,美洲人; 美国英语

形容词美国的,美洲的; 地道美国式的

American 情景对话


A:What do you want to (find/ search for/ research)?

B:The American Civil War.


A:I want to find (infomp3ation/ stuff/ websites) on the American Civil War.

B:Can you be more specific?


A:What can I do for you?

B:Do you have any blue shirts?

A:Yes. What’s your size?

B:I’m not familiar with American size.

A:All right. Let me see. I think you’d wear a size 8.This shirt is size 8.
      好的,我想想看。我认为你应该穿8 号的,这件是8 号的。

B:It’s pretty. May I try it on?

A:Sure. The fitting room is over there.

B:Thank you.

American 网络解释

1. American什么意思

1. 美国的:在美国不禁止使用美国(US或America)、美国的(American)、中国(China)、全国(national)等字样的域名. 使用这样域名的企业多了,人们就感觉不到这些域名就一定代表国家级企业. 美国也不禁止地名作为域名.

2. 美洲;美国:提示说明:北半球位於北美洲美国(American)美国东部近大西洋海岸位纽约州(New york)位於首都纽约的西南方小岛上自由女神(Liberty lsland)提示说明:北半球位於北美洲美国(American)美国东部近大西洋海岸位纽约州(New york)位於首

American 双语例句

1. American是什么意思

1. In March 2001, a sow raised by the American Missouri University bore 5 piglings in one litter. Among them, 4 piglings` mouths and hoofs assume yellow color of fluorescence.

2. Ethnic slur; offensive terms for persons of Latin American descent.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. Ccording to the Gallup organization latest statistics in 2006, the public evaluation to pharmacists sets a new record, although ranking the second. It is obvious that pharmacists own very high image in the American society, be subjected to the public trust and respect deeply, even are superior to physicians.

4. American在线翻译

4. If we seek to understand American foreign policy in terms of a rational engagement with international problems, or even as an effective means of projecting power, we are looking in the wrong place.

5. After 500 million dollar buys business of IBM personal computer, ceng Yiyue makes the whole world the 3rd large personal computer produces business, be next to American HP and Dai Er.

6. Like you, I also like the music which outpours light gloom, but then I am a little partial to the music without lyrics; also including American country music.

7. American的近义词

7. The mycelia of the ectotrophic types can be cultured in absence of the host, and inoculants are commercially available for use on container-grown pine seedlings for the North American and Australian forestry industries.

8. Good news for ice cream lovers: A recent Swedish study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition shows that women who have at least one serving of full-fat dairy products a day gain less weight than women who don`t.

9. Price is the regulating mechanism in the American economic system.

10. American

10. The Introduction starts off the discussion by outlining the notion of self-interpretation as one which has its roots in early American literature, which greatly affects Faulkners writing.

11. danci.edu.pub

11. But it still is a great reminder of American history.

12. 公共查询·英语单词大全

12. Then according to the development of American REIT, the development situation, types and operation system of REIT are introduced.

13. American的反义词

13. Lock Haven university is located in the all-American small town of Lock Haven, Pennsylvania on the historic East Coast of the United States.

14. American什么意思

14. But at the front gates of the American embassy, the French authorities are already waiting for them.

15. One surmises that the generally drab look of all American cities is due to failure on the part of architect''s creative imagination.

16. However, they had higher scores than American Criminals in the Entitlement scale, Sentimentality scale, Cognitive Indolence scale and the Discontinu...

17. danci.edu.pub

17. Even more than his rebell ion against this restrictive tradition in African American art, Hughes`s expression of the vibrant folk culture of Black people established his writing as a landmark in the history of African American literature.


18. This order is supported by fund of American federal fund.

19. You are so junny, girl, you are right, you need diligence to strive to get what you want, before i have encounter a korea gril that can speak very good english, so we can make conversation eachother, she want to learn chinese, so you can seach on internet maybe some foreigers want to lean chinese form you, so you also can practise you oral english or oralkorean, i had taught an american before, so i can speak english fluently.

20. DC Comics is well-known American companies cartoons, comic characters, including Superman and Batman.
      DC Comics是美国著名的漫画公司,漫画人物包括超人和蝙蝠侠等。

American 词典解释

1. 美国的;来自美国的
    An American person or thing belongs to or comes from the United States of America.


    e.g. ...the American Ambassador at the United Nations.
    e.g. ...the influence of American television and movies.

American 单语例句

1. That''s because American English is such a plainspoken dialect, which is probably why it''s the international language of business and the Internet.

2. Hoover also outlined key differences between American and Chinese ethics in business relationships.

3. American business is in the best position to tell where American interests lie.

4. Obama describes the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act as part of a plan to solve the country''s economic ills.

5. Growth was also boosted by the company''s truck and van business, which had another strong quarter thanks in part to North American demand.

6. Zhou Shijian is the standing councillor of China American Studies and Wang Lijun is a lecturer at the Capital University of Economics and Business.

7. He said American Express was assessing opportunities in China''s prosperous business travel market.

8. Business travel costs increased in 2006 after several years of flat or declining prices, according to a survey by American Express.

9. A recent report by American Express said oil price hikes was one of the main factors hitting business travel.

10. The American Civil Liberties Union has filed a Freedom of Information Act request asking for all photographs and videotapes depicting the treatment of the detainees.

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