
Allium sativum

Allium sativum 双语例句

1. When the crude extract is keeping in 60℃ for 20 min, it can reduce the total protein concentration from 24mg/ml to 15.8mg/ml, and disactivate the interfering material from Allium Sativum cell plasma.

2. Allium Sativum L. is a kind of plant which can tolerate much heavy metal stress.

3. We studied the effect of auxin derived from inflorescence on garlic bolt elongation in Allium sativum L.

4. In order to understand the molecular mechanism of heavy metal tolerance, our work was focused on the isolation of heavy metal tolerance genes from tolerant plant Allium sativum L.
    为了了解植物重金属抗性的分子机制,我们的研究主要是从重金属抗性植物材料大蒜(Allium sativum L。

5. Then the active fraction with the best affinity was separated by HPLC and be named of Allium Sativum L. fraction A.
    结果:(1)在所筛选的5种药食两用植物中,大蒜与Lipid A结合的活性最高。

6. A new phytochelatin synthase cDNA from Allium Sativum L. was cloned.

7. The micronucleus and abnormal division in Allium sativum root tips induced by polluted river water were investigated.

8. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

8. This paper made a study of the restraining and killing effect of Allium sativum sulution on decades common fungi which pollute foodstuff, and compared this effect with that of the foodstuff antiseptic benzdic acid and sorbic acid.

9. Allium sativum

9. Studies on Programmed Cell Death of Peripheral Cells of Root Cap of Zea mays and Allium sativum

10. Allium sativum

10. Dynamic Changes of Nucleolar Ultrastructure and the Sites of rRNA Transcription and Processing during the Cell Cycle in Allium Sativum

11. An onion like plant (Allium sativum) of southern Europe having a bulb that breaks up into separable cloves with a strong, distinctive odor and flavor.

12. Ultrastructural studies on peripheral cells of root cap of Allium sativum in the process of programmed cell death

13. 65 Mg/g, Pisum sativum L (3.00 mg/g), Ipomomea reptans Poir (2.57 mg/g), Amaranthus viridis L.(2.55 mg/g) and Allium tuberasum Rottler et sprengcl (2.14 mg/g) had the most contents. These materials provide the evidence that fresh vegetable has health protective function, and lay a good foundation for exploiting and making foodstuff of health protective vegetable.
      每克鲜样含量在0.5mg以上的有24个,占57%;1 mg以上的有14个,占33%;2 mg 以上的有5个,即芹菜叶(3.65mg/g)、豌豆尖(3.00mg/g)、藤藤菜(2.57mg/g)、青苋菜(2.55mg/g)和韭菜(2.14mg/g),除莲花白外,叶菜类的总黄酮含量一般都比较高,为开发利用保健蔬菜制品提供了依据。

14. Allium sativum的近义词

14. Effect of Sodium Bisulfite on the Mitotic Cycle of Allium sativum

15. danci.edu.pub

15. The Application of Allium sativum Root Cells to Observing Cell Division

16. A Study on the Aberration of the Root Cells of Allium Sativum Induced by Colcemid


17. Establishment of a Novel Rapid Propagation System-Adventious Shoots Regeneration System in the Inflorescence of Garlic Allium sativum L.

18. In this report, we have used synchronized populations of Allium sativum root meristematic cells, obtained by treating root merstems with hydroxyurea. Under the help of conventional transmission electron microscope, DNA-selective staing method, BrUTP pulse-labelling, immunoelectron microscopy and in situ hybridization, we studied on: the ultrastructure of nucleolus during cell cycle, the sites and arrange form of nuclolar DNA, the rRNA transcription sites, the distribution of U3 snoRNA and fibrillarin within different phases nucleolus during the cell cycle.
      本文采用高等植物大蒜作为实验材料,利用羟基脲同步化处理根端分生组织细胞,后用电镜技术结合NAMA- Ur特异染色技术、BrUTP短时脉冲标记技术、免疫标记和原位杂交技术对大蒜根端不同时相细胞核仁的超微结构与rRNA基因分布和转录及前体剪切位点进行了研究,主要结果如下:1。

19. The antioxidant effects of Allium cepa, Zingiber officinale, Allium sativum and Allium fistulosum at normal temperature and their juice at 100 ℃ were studied by DPPH method The results indicate that all of the treated vegetable crops have antioxidant activities;

20. Called Allium sativum, garlic is one of the most studied herbs in relation to heart benefits.

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