
Adam [ˈædəm]  [''ædəm] 

Adam 基本解释


[男子名] [英格兰人姓氏] 亚当来源于希伯来语人名,含义是据说为“男人,土,红土”(man,earth,red earth) 昵称Edie,Yiddie

Adam 相关例句


1. Adam and Eve are the first man and the first woman in the Bible.

Adam 情景对话


A:I’d like to help pitch in with? dinner.


B:Really? You’re joking.

A:No. I’d like to do something special for you on your birthday.


B:I’d like that. Alright, put on this apron first.

A:OK…Now how can I help, hon??

B:Hmm, let me see… Boil some water and then whisk two eggs.

A:Easy. I could do that with my eyes closed.(after a while)Done.

B:Not bad. Okay, now take some meat and potatoes from the fridge.

A:How many potatoes do you need?

B:Three. And bring four bell peppers?.


A:Gotcha?… OK. Here they are.

B:Now wash them, then dice the potatoes and bell peppers. Then slice the meat.


A:Where’s the peeler?

B:It’s in the cabinet… Adam, the gas cooker doesn’t work.

A:What? Oh, shit! I cut my finger.


B:Let me take a look at that… I can’t stop the bleeding. We need to go to the hospital.

A:I guess cooking is not as easy as I thought.

Adam 网络解释

1. 阿当:天主教、基督教信仰说是因为当年阿当(Adam)吃了在伊甸园(Eden)中央的一棵「得智慧果子树」的禁果(旧约圣经、失乐园等等很多书都有这样的说法. )

2. Adam的翻译

2. 第一使徒 亚当:第一使徒:亚当(Adam) 出处:旧约圣经<创世纪>>. 第二使徒:莉莉丝(Lilith) 出处:旧约圣经<以赛亚>>,lilith来源于希伯来语,在圣经中也被翻译成黑夜的魔女. 第三使徒:水天使萨基尔(Sachiel) 出处:流传他是围绕在神身边的智天使的一员,更有甚者说他曾经作为第四天魔王...

3. adam:a disintegrin and metalloprteinase; 金属蛋白酶

4. Adam什么意思

4. adam:advanced dynamicanthropomorphic manikin; 先进动态人体模型

5. adam:active directory application mode; 应用程序模式


6. adam:area denial artillery munition; 区域封锁炮弹

Adam 双语例句

1. Adam的翻译

1. According to Christian tradition the disobeying of God''s command by the first man Adam caused all mankind to suffer the consequences of sin entering the world.

2. Adam was once one of the best tourist souvenirs produced in Taiwan designer, but a way Chen puts everything come to naught. 6 years ago, Adam and friends to Lijiang recuperate, go back without hesitation moved his family to Lijiang.

3. The original legislation in the ninth day of the move first, the original angel, beautiful and noble way to Xi Feier categorically rejected the visit to Adam.

4. But for Adam and Eve, that wasn''t enough.

5. Adam的解释

5. And what message does the age old story of Adam and Eve hold for you today?

6. Brown and chairman Adam Pearson criticised Cairney forusing an unlicensed agent and he was dropped from the side to face Arsenal, although the manager insisted the two were not linked.

7. Adam

7. Vocalist/ Guitarist Richard Todd brings slabs of punk and DIY/ post-punk to the party, despite singing like a down-to-earth Ian Gillan with emphysema; Bassist Adam Pillsbury plays his instrument like the bastard child of Bootsy Collins and Charles Mingus; double-bassist/ laptop terrorist/ gadget fiddler/ knob twiddler general Jackson Garland adds unobtrusive electronic textures to the music that you may only notice by their absence and while drummer Jon Campbell''s hair screams Grateful Dead, his beats can whisper Buddy Rich or wail Bill Ward.
    主音吉他Richard Todd给乐队带来了后朋克元素。Jackson Garland演奏低音提琴并用笔记本、效果器给乐队带来了电子音效和小噪音。贝司手Adam Pillsbury有着非凡的演奏能力以及大师风范。鼓手Jon Campbell现场演出时有着惊人的能量,他不仅是一位优秀的鼓手,也是成功的演出策划人。

8. Adam的解释

8. In a Biblical story, when Adam and Eve were banished from the Garden of Eden, Eve stood with tears in her eyes, looking out over the icy, flowerless Earth around her, blanketed with snow.

9. Adam Smith believed that the international division of labor is based on the favorable natural endowments or the day after the favorable conditions.

10. The Provincial Copyright Protection Center has handled the registration of more than 1, 000 works on categories of written works, music, art, dance, animation, and advertising films etc., including the telescript of Going to West Gate by the writer of Guo Fu, the drama script of Adam and Eve by the dramaturge of Yang Shutang, as well as the acrobatic work of Sword Swallowing and Iron-ball Taking by the acrobatic artist of Li Xianyi etc..


11. And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.

12. Christopher went undefeated through a field of 73 players with wins over Reza Dastmalchian 9-2, Brent Newman 9-5, Chuckie Holyoke 9-5, Adam Behnke 9-8, and a narrow victory over Richard Barney 9-8 before facing Tyler Van Wulven for the winners` bracket seat.
      克里斯托弗前往undefeated通过一个领域的73个球员,战胜伊朗达斯特马尔奇安9月2日,北海布伦特纽曼9月5日,chuckie霍利奥克9月5日,亚当behnke 9月8日,和一个狭窄的胜利,理查德巴尼9月8日之前,泰勒面临的范wulven为优胜者括弧内的席位。

13. Adam: I`m thinking about running for councilor at the next election.

14. Adam的翻译

14. April: Northern Rock came under fire from MPs, unions and investors for agreeing to give former chief executive Adam Applegarth a 760, 000 golden goodbye


15. In our weakness and because of our depraved nature we have proved to be the true sons of Adam and have followed faithfully in his steps.

16. Adam

16. Merry Christmas to Adam and Eve and everyone!!!

17. 公共查询·英语单词大全

17. Happy birthday to our dearest Adam!!!

18. Adam什么意思

18. My name is Adam, and I think you must be Eve.

19. I do not think there is a better example of this than Adam and Eve.

20. At no time did Calvin grant that Adam''s transgression was due to his own free will.

Adam 单语例句

1. He works with his son Adam on winemaking, while younger son Kevin can be found in the cellar during harvest.

2. Adam Lambert is set to join the''American Idol''judging panel.

3. Las Vegas police reported 403 arrests and four shootings, including three people shot in an incident allegedly involving NFL player Adam " Pacman " Jones.

4. Adam and Skrtel were dismissed for two bookable offences either side of halftime and Liverpool conceded three times after the red cards.

5. But it got off to the worst possible start when Adam Rooney''s flick deflected off Charlie Mulgrew for an own goal in the seventh minute.

6. Child services workers are investigating the incident, but attorney Adam Streisand said the stun gun was confiscated before any harm was done.

7. Miller''s shooting performance overshadowed 21 points for Charlotte rookie Adam Morrison as the Bobcats remained winless through the first two games.

8. Adam Winfield sent Facebook messages to his parents saying that his fellow soldiers had murdered a civilian and were planning to kill more.

9. Adam Scott went out in 31 and was briefly tied for the lead until a few bogeys on the back nine.

10. He believes Michelangelo was equating God''s gift of a soul for Adam with the divine gift of intelligence for mankind.

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