
Zen [zen] [zen] 

Zen 基本解释



Zen 网络解释

1. 怎:除扽(den)嫩(nen)外. 2、普通话里声母g ,与en的组合的字也只有极少数如:根(gen)跟(gen)一般与后鼻韵母en组合. 3、普通话里声母z ,c ,s一般不和en相拼,除了这几个字怎(zen)岑(cen)森(sen)其于的大多数归入eng韵母.

2. 禅宗:这款经典的<禅宗>>(Zen)主题的桌面由于没有大量的图标遮挡,看起来非常清爽,一条高速公路直通屏幕底部,再加上远处的蓝天白云. . . . . . 恩,确实是一款不错的主题.

3. 公共查询·英语单词大全

3. 香港采蝶轩:起源於香港采蝶轩(Zen)的大老板梁廷斌自英国伦敦留学毕业,而后将享誉海外的采蝶轩引进上海,采蝶轩主打的是上海饮食市场前5%的高价市场,因此价格及品质也在绝对在水准之上.

4. zen:zeitgeist enhance nonglare; 增强消光处理

Zen 双语例句

1. First of all, tea customs in the rise of the monastery; Second, the Zen Buddhist, and the Tang Dynasty scholar-officials close to the temple monks, romantic pursuit of a refined way of life with the perfect ideal personality, often in the poetry of Zen temples, monks tea to guests to the literati poet To make friends, tea with the monks into civilian exchanges between the media.

2. Others, including Georg Feuerstein, argue that Wilber''s Neo-perennial Philosophy is a confusion between concepts of differentiated nondualist doctrines (such as Plotinus''s Neo-Platonism and Ramanuja''s Vishishtadvaita Vedanta) and truly unitary monism of Zen and Advaita Vedanta: the former philosophies distinguish between emanated or manifest reality and the unchangeable source, while for Zen or Advaita the Source and reality are essentially one and the same.
    还有,包括Georg Feuerstein也认为Wilber的新常青理论是不二论者(如普罗提诺的新柏拉图哲学和Ramanuja的Vishishtadvaita吠檀多)和单一论的禅和不二吠檀多的结合:早先的哲学区分了发散显现真实和不变的源头,而禅和不二论认为真相和本质是一致的。

3. Moderateness is the soul of our traditional culture; Elegance is the connatural trait of tea culture; Austerity is the mutual spirit of Zen-Tea; Concentration of extreme subtleties of meaning into the simplest of actions is what all Buddhists pursue.

4. I have always believed that trees are not simple, unusual, and some extraordinary, some mysterious, and at one point as if there are so understanding of Zen.

5. But the heart for saying have the intrinsic differentiation from the heart of the Zen on the content, his heart for saying point isnt means a extramundane Buddhism, but is a realistic ethics; Then its basic operation and the view of value is different from Zen too.

6. His paintings and gift to the orphaned children cared for by his Zen Teacher - it will bring a burst of color and joy into your life.

7. The Zen Master laughed and said, I thought Hong had resolved her challenge of affection.

8. Bodhidharma, (6th century), semilegendary In- dian Buddhist monk, 28th in the line of transmission from the disciple Kasyapa (a student of the Buddha, the founder of Buddhism) and the founder of the Zen school of Buddhism.
    菩提达摩(约6世纪时人)是一个半传奇式的印度佛教僧人。他是佛弟子(亦即佛教创始人佛陀的学生)迦叶以下的第二十八祖,也是佛教禅宗(日本人称ZEN,中国人称 CHAN)的创宗人。

9. I try to view these soundbites as a new form of language- haiku versus open verse, a Zen fountain versus a mountain stream, flowers in a windowsill box versus a field of poppies ready to take you to a land deep in the opiated imagination.

10. Zen

10. Zhong, Zen, Xue and Doug, with less than hundred members of Tung`s martial art teams, hurry south by only briefly resting at night and arrive the Wu-yin fort in the second morning.


11. It showed that ZEN was very likely one of the necessary regulators to growth and development of winter wheat.

12. For keeping a rare hope to defeat Yin Zheng, Zen and Xue guard the arrow regardless of their personal safety and exert themselves to block the fiery scales away. Later, however, a pelt of eight continuous scales is approaching: Doug and Phoeny hit one off respectively. Zen holds his spear horizontally to block the biggest one yet is pushed down and rolls on the ground; Xue, then, promptly stretches all her 2 arms and 2 devil arms out to block four scales at same time. However, she has just taken one aspect into consideration and neglected the other—even though the arrow is protected, she could not timely elude the last one scale closely followed so her left human arm as well as a devil arm is cut off on the spot!

13. Zen的反义词

13. Then follows in. She sees Zen is contemplating the straws withwatching him with profound eyesight.

14. Zen monks spend part of their day in service to others, whether that be other monks in the monastery or people on the outside world.

15. Han Shan Ming Dynasty has a Zen master of Xi Yong-Si Kong poem, written in a very lively and appropriate.

16. Zen在线翻译

16. This chapter not only analyses its moral criticism of the Zen daily deposing and dropping, but also a theoretical reason that leads to the corruption such as considering decay as moratliy.

17. Zen nods and cooperates with Zhong to stabilize the state of Shin. Then, they escort Shin to the Long-ze manor quickly. Zhong suggest Zen to request the drugs from well-stocked Yu-jian manor while calling Yin xiu to come. Zen agrees and summons the six masters and Yin xiu urgently by mailing eagle for meeting here. Master Skywalker lets master water, fire and earth stay to keep weapon casting and home defence while he goes to Long-ze manor promptly with master metal and wood.

18. Longhua will punish evil and evil forces of the 13 A Touch of Zen is here with a mission to the whole world!

19. Guanghua Zen Monastery volunteer, Bi Taiqiong

20. The Buddha Recitation method encompasses the Zen, Sutra Studies, Discipline and Esoteric Schools.

Zen 词典解释

1. 禅宗(注重冥想的佛教派别之一)
    Zen or Zen Buddhism is a form of the Buddhist religion that concentrates on meditation rather than on studying religious writings.

Zen 单语例句

1. Cardinal Joseph Zen has come under fire after his admission on Wednesday that he provided financial support to the " underground church " on the mainland.

2. A spokesman for Hong Kong Cardinal Joseph Zen last week said that the Catholic leader planned to attend the meeting.

3. Try char grilled barbeque at Westin Beijing Financial Street''s outdoor Zen garden.

4. Seclusion is a training method of Zen Buddhism which focuses on concentration and meditation.

5. Zen had stressed that " the money was given to him, not to the diocese " and Lai set no conditions concerning how it should be used.

6. So in leaving ZEN I found myself more than satisfied and suitably buzzed from the nicely alcoholic Long Island.

7. Shaolin kungfu is not simply a genre of martial arts, but a comprehensive Buddhist system composed of Zen and its unique form of kongfu.

8. This special contradiction is in line with the essence of Buddhism, the dominant theme at Zen Spa as its name suggests.

9. ZEN offers 134 seats in the main dining room, plus six private dining rooms.

10. The Shaolin Temple in the Songshan Mountains enjoys a prestigious reputation across the world as the ancestral home of both Zen Buddhism and kungfu.

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