名词蜡烛芯; (油灯的)灯芯; 英俚>不断烦扰某人; 激怒某人
1. 灯芯:炸药(Dynamite):组合灯芯(wick) 红泥(clay) 硝化甘油(nitroglycerine). 蜡烛: 甘油(glycerin) 烧开的水 =没有灯芯的蜡烛(candle wax). 蜡烛 灯芯 =点燃的蜡烛(candle),这是油灯的替代品. 爬下去楼梯来到深穴,
2. 威克:根据1974年我和威克(Wick)的一个理论,两个高能量重核对撞时,互相穿过去,穿过去后,留下的一小段空间在很短的时期内可以被激发. 现在的真空被激发后,可以接近我们宇宙开始大膨胀时比较对称的真空. 我们要研究它,把这原始的真空掌握住,
3. 维克:我在1974年同维克(Wick)就讨论了,当时觉得比较新奇. 现在理论上大家已经一致公认这-点了,当然这还有待于实验的进一步证明. 这是量子色动力学里的真空,它里面是一个抗电磁场的凝聚态. 可就在超导液里,你如增加温度、增加能量或加压可以改变其性质,
4. 芯:热管是高性能的热导体,其基本形式为一封闭容器,内装能蒸发的流体,与有毛细作用,称为芯(wick)的材料或结构. 在基本上是等温的过程. 输入端,即蒸发器的热使流体蒸发;蒸气流过容器中央到达输出端,即凝结器;在那里蒸气凝结,
1. 蜡烛芯
The wick of a candle is the piece of string in it which burns when it is lit.
2. (煤油灯的)灯芯;(打火机的)棉芯
The wick of a paraffin lamp or cigarette lighter is the part which supplies the fuel to the flame when it is lit.
3. 惹怒;激怒
If you say that someone or something gets on your wick, you mean that they annoy and irritate you.
e.g. The Professor was beginning to get on Molly''s wick.
1. a loosely woven cord (in a candle or oil lamp) that draws fuel by capillary action up into the flame
Synonym: taper
2. any piece of cord that conveys liquid by capillary action
e.g. the physician put a wick in the wound to drain it