
vest [vest]  [vest] 


vest 基本解释

名词马甲; 内衣; 防护衣; (印有运动员编号的)运动背心

不及物动词合法地被授予; 给自己装上教服

及物动词授权; 赋予; 穿衣服,穿教服

vest 相关例句


1. vest的意思

1. The management of the foundation is vested in a board of trustees.

2. 公共查询·英语单词

2. The executive power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America.


1. 公共查询·英语单词大全

1. The estate vested in the wife of the deceased.

2. Upon the death of the father, the estate vested in his son.


1. The policeman survived because of his bulletproof vest.

vest 网络解释

1. 背心:2010春季服装混搭女性甜美背心搭配 背心(vest) 无袖上衣,也称为马甲或坎肩,是一种无领无袖,且较短的上衣. 主要功能是使前后胸区域保温并便于双手活动. 它可以穿在外衣之内,也可以穿在内衣外面. 主要品种有各种造型的西服背心、棉背心、羽绒背心及毛线...

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. 马甲:你有一个马甲(vest),这个马甲从上到下,每一个扣子都要扣住,这是很正式的一种穿法,没有选择的余地. 外套是不能扣的. 有很多人穿错了,把外面的衣服又扣了,这绝对不对. G、袜子 在中国我看到很多花的和浅颜色袜子,在外国呢,

3. danci.edu.pub

3. 内衣:本页内容提示:来自 美国(USA) 的采购: 服装(Apparel) 内衣(Vest 的世界买家信息详细资料,敬请查看.

4. [防弹衣]:杀死Lee Hong;救出被俘探员;安全逃离行动区域. 任务简介:找到神像(Golden Idol)并将其送回印第安部落. 任务简介:找到神像(Golden Idol)并将其送回印第安部落. 本关竟然不能买武器,只好买件防弹衣(Vest)充数.

vest 词典解释

1. 贴身背心;汗衫
    A vest is a piece of underwear which you can wear on the top half of your body in order to keep warm.

in AM, use 美国英语用 undershirt

2. 背心;马甲;坎肩
    A vest is a sleeveless piece of clothing with buttons which people usually wear over a shirt.

in BRIT, use 英国英语用 waistcoat

3. 授予,赋予,给予(权利或责任)
    If something is vested in you, or if you are vested with it, it is given to you as a right or responsibility.

    e.g. All authority was vested in the woman, who discharged every kind of public duty...
    e.g. The mass media have been vested with significant power as social and political agents in modern developed societies...

vest 英英释义


1. a collarless men''s undergarment for the upper part of the body

    Synonym: singletundershirt

2. a man''s sleeveless garment worn underneath a coat

    Synonym: waistcoat


1. clothe formally
    especially in ecclesiastical robes

    Synonym: robe

2. clothe oneself in ecclesiastical garments

3. become legally vested

    e.g. The property vests in the trustees

4. place (authority, property, or rights) in the control of a person or group of persons

    e.g. She vested her vast fortune in her two sons

5. provide with power and authority

    e.g. They vested the council with special rights

    Synonym: investenthrone

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