1. I started up in the greatest hast imaginable, and in a trice clapt my Ladder to the middle Place of the Rock, and pull''d it after me, and mounting it the second Time, got to the Top of the Hill, the very Moment, that a Flash of Fire bid me listen for a second Gun, which accordingly, in about half a Minute I heard; and by the sound, knew that it was from that Part of the Sea where I was driven down the Current in my Boat.
2. I started up in the greatest hast imaginable, and in a trice clapt my ladder to the middle place of the rock, and pull''d it after me, and mounting it the second time, got to the top of the hill
3. He will sew it up in a trice
4. He sized the situation up in a trice.
5. The big sail won''t stay in position unless you trice it up.