及物动词转租; 转包给
1. 转租:在BC省, 转租(sublet) & 分租要注意哪些事项? 例如, 分租是否只要当初定房租契约时, 约定迁入的最大人数 > 目前迁入人数即可分租? 转租(sublet)又该如何合法的跟房东互动呢?
2. sublet的近义词
2. 分租:如果租约没有特别规定,房客得转租(assign)或分租(sublet)公寓予他人. 前者指公寓让他人迁入,后者是把公寓一部分租予他人. 无论如何,该房客是二房东,他人不付租,二房东应向原始房东负责. 一般而言,如房东未表书面同意,
3. 分租;转租:sublessor 分租契租出人 | sublet 分租;转租 | sub-main 次干管
4. 转租;分租:sublet 转租 | sublet 转租;分租 | Subletting 转租
1. 转租,分租(租来的物业)
If you sublet a building or part of a building, you allow someone to use it and you take rent from them, although you are not the owner and pay rent for it yourself.
e.g. The company rented the building, occupied part and sublet the rest.
1. a lease from one lessee to another
Synonym: sublease
1. lease or rent all or part of (a leased or rented property) to another person
e.g. We sublet our apartment over the summer
Synonym: sublease