
skim [skɪm]  [skɪm] 


skim 基本解释

动词略读; 撇去; 使掠过; (为逃税而)隐瞒(部分收入)

形容词脱脂的; 撇去浮沫的

名词撇; 撇去的东西; 瞒报所得的收入


skim 相关例句



1. It took me an hour to skim the book.

2. The bird skimmed the water.

3. The swallows were skimming over the water.


1. He skimmed through the newspapers over breakfast.

2. Gulls skimmed over the waves.

skim 网络解释

1. skim

1. 浏览:一读:跳读,(skip)找生单词,扫除阅读障碍;二读:跟读,(follow)进一步熟悉材料;三读:快速浏览,(skim)找出人物线索,为完成人物的生日表铺路,设问①How many people are there in John's family?

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 跳读:并且通过审读(scan)、跳读(skim)技能,快速搜集所需特定信息. 良好的问题情境设置. 良好的情境问题有助于使学习材料的意义充分地发挥出来,激发学生积极主动地使新旧知识发生相互作用,产生有机联系的心向,从而使新知识获得实际意义,

3. 掠过:shun#避开 | skim#掠过 | skulk#藏匿;潜行

skim 词典解释

1. 撇去(液体上的漂浮物)
    If you skim something from the surface of a liquid, you remove it.

    e.g. Rough seas today prevented specially equipped ships from skimming oil off the water''s surface...
    e.g. Skim off the fat.

2. 掠过;擦过;滑过
    If something skims a surface, it moves quickly along just above it.

    e.g. ...seagulls skimming the waves...
    e.g. The little boat was skimming across the sunlit surface of the bay.

3. 略读;浏览
    If you skim a piece of writing, you read through it quickly.

    e.g. He skimmed the pages quickly, then read them again more carefully...
    e.g. I only had time to skim through the script before I flew over here.

相关词组:skim off

skim 英英释义


1. reading or glancing through quickly

    Synonym: skimming

2. a thin layer covering the surface of a liquid

    e.g. there was a thin skim of oil on the water


1. read superficially

    Synonym: skim over

2. move or pass swiftly and lightly over the surface of

    Synonym: skim over

3. remove from the surface

    e.g. skim cream from the surface of milk

    Synonym: skim offcream offcream

4. coat (a liquid) with a layer

5. cause to skip over a surface

    e.g. Skip a stone across the pond

    Synonym: skipskitter

6. travel on the surface of water

    Synonym: plane

7. examine hastily

    e.g. She scanned the newspaper headlines while waiting for the taxi

    Synonym: scanrakeglance overrun down


1. used of milk and milk products from which the cream has been removed

    e.g. yogurt made with skim milk
           she can drink skimmed milk but should avoid butter

    Synonym: skimmed

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