
sketch 4

sketch 4 双语例句

1. Sketch geometrical/dimensional drawing available?

2. Wall form installation please see attached sketch No.

3. Top surfaces only to have a 4 digit serial number neatly punched on the top surface in one place, same number on each half, see attached sketch, each mould to have a different serial number, for every purchase order with you we will advise first number on first mould and each mould serial number to follow in sequence.

4. The grains of LiMn2O4 and LiMxMn2-xO4 were coated with MgO by using sol-gel process. The Jahn-Teller effect of spinel LiMn2O4 had been researched by XRD measurement, lattice constants and rate of |Mn4+|/|Mn3+| etc. The results showed that the surface treatment was effective to improve the cycle ability of spinel Li1.05Mn1.9Co0.05Ni0.05O4 cathode materials and the Jahn-Teller effect was inhibited. lithium-ion batteries; Jahn-Teller effect; spinel LiMn2O4; capacity fading
    容量衰减的主要原因之一是电池在充放电过程中产生Jahn-Teller效应[1-2],因而研究J-T效应产生的原因,找出抑制和减少产生J-T效应的措施是很重要的。1实验部分1.1溶胶凝胶法制备LiM n2-xM xO4按照化学计量比将分析纯的溴化锂、乙酸锰、乙图1锰的氧化物发生J-T效应示意图Fig.1Sketch m ap of Jahn-T

5. Usually I will draw more than one sketch, maybe 3 or 4, and then digitalize it on PC.

6. This paper introduced several new concepts such as sketchs centroid, centroid radii and regularized centroid radii, and proposed a hand sketch neural network recognizer to distinguish 4 types of strokes, namely line segment, circle, half circle, and quarter circle The approach constructed a hand sketch classifier through extracting the sketch primitives RCR as features, crossing the four primitives RCR values as the learning samples of BP neural network, then using the resilient propagation training algorithm trained the BP Experiments demonstrate that not only the classifier can recognize the hand sketched primitives of arbitrary directions and positions, but also its abilities of anti noising and identifying are robust, and the identifying rate is high Furthermore, the classifier neednt be trained again in application
    针对实时手绘工程草图的识别,引入草图重心、重径距和正规化重径等图形特征概念,提出手绘草图的神经网识别方法该方法以图素具有统计意义的正规化重径作为特征、以图素交叉方式组织正规化重径的值作为学习样本,应用弹力传播的Rprop算法训练BP神经网,一次训练即可得到能够识别任意倾角和位置手绘草图图素的识别器从而达到了理想的识别效果1 引言工程设计中,草图是设计者表达与交流概念设计的快捷方式目前流行的交互式CAD系统多采用菜单、图标驱动的输入方式,烦琐的操作步骤干扰了设计者的思维,降低了概念设计的效率[1 2] 设计者只好以传统的纸质手绘草图表达设计方案,然后录入计算机生成工程图,延

7. Base on user needs, design the sketch map functional process, such as sketch map display and maintenance, feature points maintenance, legends maintenance. And design the sketch map cache, resource integration program, data model. 4.

8. Wall form installation please see attached sketch No. - 4. Expended cement mortar shall be used for sealing after form dismantled and pull bolts removed.

9. From four aspects of CASD, that is user interface design, low level sketch process, high level sketch interpretation, 3D sketching modeling, research method of some key technologies of CASD are analyzed. The development tendency of CASD is predicted.

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