名词签字人, 签约国
1. 签约国:美国是签约国(signatory)但没有批准该议定书,但也没有退出(withdraw). 条约可以被看作是自动生效/自动执行的(self-executing),即只要加入就会导致义务生效(put in action). 但有些条约不是自动生效的(non-self-executing),
2. 签署人:在证书颁发时,证书中所载明的签署人(signatory)控制着签名生成数据; c. 在证书颁发之时或之前签名生成数据是有效的;d. 用于鉴别签署人身份的手段;e. 签名生成数据或证书使用的目的或价值方面的限制(如果认证机构意图作出这种限制的话
3. 签字人:signal generator calibrator 信号发生校准仪 | signatory 签字人 | signet 印,图章
4. 签约方:Global Economic Welfare 全球经济福利 | Signatory 签约方 | Contracting Party 缔约方
1. (正式文件的)签署人,签署方,签约国
The signatories of an official document are the people, organizations, or countries that have signed it.
e.g. Both countries are signatories to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.
1. someone who signs and is bound by a document
Synonym: signer