名词修复; 复兴; 复职; 恢复名誉
1. 复原:在公园的暑期青年义工团的工作有分两种:一种是公园巡逻队,另一种是森林复原(rehabilitation)及露营团﹝环 境冲击较小的露营法﹞. 担任巡逻队工作,可以自行选择日期. 不过我都是能去就尽量去. 大概每星期一、三、五,一次是巡逻五个小时.
2. 复健:预防疾病的发生,并促进健康发展;第二级预防(secondary prevention)是早期发现疾患、早期治疗、避免其慢性化;至於第三级预防(tertiary prevention)是对於病情较稳定的病患,给予适当的追踪照顾及复健(rehabilitation),减少其慢性化后遗症,
1. the conversion of wasteland into land suitable for use of habitation or cultivation
Synonym: reclamationrenewal
2. the restoration of someone to a useful place in society
3. the treatment of physical disabilities by massage and electrotherapy and exercises
4. vindication of a person''s character and the re-establishment of that person''s reputation