名词友好关系; 融洽,和谐
1. 协调关系:协调关系(rapport)是一个专业术语,在临床心理咨询、心理治疗中经常用到. 在心理测验实施中,这种关系指的是主试和被试之间一种友好的、合作的、能促使被试最大限度地做好测验的一种关系.
2. 治疗关系:非指导式疗法主要依据罗吉斯(Rogers)的自我实现理论,让儿童藉由治疗关系(rapport)的建立,重新体验人际关系和解决内在与外在的冲突. 若以参加的儿童人数来区分则有一对一游戏疗法,二、三人~四、五人的团体疗法,
1. 和睦;友善;亲近
If two people or groups have a rapport, they have a good relationship in which they are able to understand each other''s ideas or feelings very well.
e.g. He said he wanted ''to establish a rapport with the Indian people''...
e.g. The success depends on good rapport between interviewer and interviewee...
1. a relationship of mutual understanding or trust and agreement between people
Synonym: resonance