1. 卡塔尔:)韩国(KOR)科威特(KUW)哈萨克斯坦(KZK)老挝(LAO)黎巴嫩(LIB)中国澳门(MAC)马来西亚(MAS)蒙古(MGL)马尔代夫(MLD)缅甸(MXA)尼泊尔(NEP)阿曼(OMN)巴基斯坦(PAK)巴勒斯坦(PAL)菲律宾(PH重)朝鲜(PRK)卡塔尔(QAT)沙特阿拉伯(SAU
2. 轻:sos干 | qat轻 | taot调换
3. 卡塔尔国:INS 印度尼西亚(共和国) | QAT 卡塔尔(国) | ROU 罗马尼亚
4. 卡达:059 FAH 阿曼 | 060 QAT 卡达 | 061 SOA 新加坡
5. qat:quality assurance test; 质量保证测试
6. qat:quick access toolbar; 快速访问工具栏
7. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D
7. qat:quality assurance team; 质量确保团队
8. qat:qatar; 卡塔尔
1. The concept of adiabatic approximation and adiabatic invariant came from research on obit deformation in classical mechanics.
2. Quantum adiabatic theorem plays an important role in the application of Schrodinger equation in quantum mechanics.
3. In the quiet of an abandoned lighthouse, young people chew qat.
4. Ten airplanes loaded with qat arrive at a nearby airport every day.
5. 公共查询·英语单词
5. The QAT is a required component as stipulated by the Microsoft Office User Interface Guidelines.
的Qat是一个必需的组成部分,由Microsoft Office用户界面的准则的规定。
6. Since Yemen`s government tarmacked an old British air force strip in 1999, jets land on Socotra, bringing a daily handful of tourists, environmental do-gooders and bales of qat.
7. And the Yemeni habit of chewing a leaf called qat, a mild stimulant not conducive to clear thinking or dynamism, is almost as pervasive as ever.