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put away是什么意思 put away在线翻译 put away什么意思 put away的意思 put away的翻译 put away的解释 put away的发音 put away的同义词

put away [put əˈwei]  [pʊt əˈwe] 

put away 基本解释

放好; 收起来; 储存; 打消

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put away 网络解释

1. 收拾:他说葛兰基有能收拾(put away)打者的滑球,有随时能投出好球的曲球,有球速可以精确控制的快速球,有会催眠的变速球,而且他还有非常冷静的性情. 如果这位大教练如此说,谁会不相信 ? 有人也说如果葛兰基要投50哩球速的球,他就能投50哩..

2. 放好,收好;储存:put aside储存,保留 | put away放好,收好;储存 | put down记下,放下;镇压,平定

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3. 把...收起;储存,积攒:put aside 储存,保留 . | put away 把...收起;储存,积攒 . | put down 记下;镇压;杀死 .

4. 放好,收好:put aside 储存,保留;暂不考虑,把...放在一边 | put away 放好,收好 | put in 花费,付出(时间、精力等申请,正式提出

put away 词典解释

1. 把…收起;放好
    If you put something away, you put it into the place where it is normally kept when it is not being used, for example in a drawer.


    e.g. She finished putting the milk away and turned around...
    e.g. ''Yes, Mum,'' replied Cheryl as she slowly put away her doll...

2. 把…关进监狱;把…送进精神病院
    If someone is put away, they are sent to prison or to a mental hospital for a long time.

    e.g. He''s an animal! He should be put away...
    e.g. His testimony could put Drago away for life.

put away 英英释义


1. turn away from and put aside, perhaps temporarily

    e.g. it''s time for you to put away childish things

    Synonym: put aside

2. eat up
    usually refers to a considerable quantity of food

    e.g. My son tucked in a whole pizza

    Synonym: tuck intuck away

3. kill gently, as with an injection

    e.g. the cat was very ill and we had to put it to sleep

    Synonym: put to sleep

4. place in a place where something cannot be removed or someone cannot escape

    e.g. The parents locked her daughter up for the weekend
           She locked her jewels in the safe

    Synonym: lock inlock awaylockshut upshut awaylock up

5. stop using

    e.g. the children were told to put away their toys
           the students put away their notebooks

    Synonym: put aside

6. throw or cast away

    e.g. Put away your worries

    Synonym: discardflingtosstoss outtoss awaychuck outcast asidedisposethrow outcast outthrow awaycast away

7. lock up or confine, in or as in a jail

    e.g. The suspects were imprisoned without trial
           the murderer was incarcerated for the rest of his life

    Synonym: imprisonincarceratelagimmureput behind barsjailjuggaolremand

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