
punk rock

punk rock 双语例句

1. Whether they''re into punk music, grunge bands, vintage music, or hard rock and roll music, fans want more from their favorites and want to hear the voices of new, unsigned bands.

2. My favorite punk-rock band MXPX taking this year''s Christmas song to the next level, yo!
    我最爱的 punk 摇滚乐队 MXPX 出色演绎了今年的圣诞歌,呦!

3. The Modern Dance is the signature sound of the avant-garage: art rock, punk rock, and garage rock mixing together joyously and fearlessly.
    The Modern Dance 是前卫派的标志性声音:艺术摇滚、朋克摇滚和车库摇滚欢快而肆无忌惮地融合在了一起。

4. As the youngest and most revolutionary street punx in People''s Republic of China, their music not only inherits the styles of hardcore punk rock and oi music, but also assimilates the points of trash metal and folk rock.

5. I think they trivialise what we do, and punk rock in general.

6. These bands – which besides the K include Fire Balloon, RWF, The Mold, and Rubber Phonograph Needle, among others – all have different sounds, but if we could generalize we`d say that they play a much more open, bluesy sound that looks back to early American rock and roll or even country (or, more likely, to English punk bands, like the Clash, with similar influences).
    但如果要概括一下的话,我们可以说,他们演奏出了一些更加随性、更为开放,并带点早期布鲁斯味道的音乐,这很容易让我们想起美国摇滚乐的萌芽时期,甚至是乡村音乐(更确切点地说,英国的一些朋克乐队,比如THE CLASH,也都有相似的影响)。

7. With nasal-childlike naughty female voice and melodic punk rock guitar soliloquizing and tough girl lyrics, you''ll feel a sad shadow in the happy tune.来源: bbs. poco. cn

8. danci.edu.pub

8. For sure, Mercury had no idea what they had on their hands when they released this as part of their punk rock offshoot label Blank, but it remains a classic slice of art-punk.

9. I just want to let everyone know that you will be begin to see some new photos and videos on alivenotdead. com this week. We have photos from our 1st press conference, video from our 1st concert in H. K, and we will also be doing a feature on a local punk/rock band in H. K named Hardpack, which includes music, photos, and video.

10. From its beginnings, in the wake of punk rock, U2 made music on a grand scale.

11. The porltry building echoed with cock-a-doodle-doos from strutting punk rock roosters.

12. Smoke or Fire faced this predicament coming into their new album, This Sinking Ship. Their debut full-length, Above The City was a raw and aggressive blend of hardcore-influenced punk rock that drew comparisons to acts like Hot Water Music and Avail.
      Smoke or Fire接受了这种窘境,新专辑This Sinking Ship正是那双重标准的产品,他们第一张标准长度的专辑Above The City是一张充满了糙劲又深受硬核影响的作品,类似Hot Water Music和Avail的风格。

13. Die Lorelei is great for anyone who misses German pre-punk, or just digs sick math rock.
      罗雷莱Die Lorelei对任何一个怀恋德国前朋克,或者紧紧是钻研在令人讨厌的数学摇滚立的人来说都是一首伟大的歌曲。

14. In addition, many foreign punk rock bands like NOFX and even an extreme one like Napoleon Death have performed in China.

15. punk rock的翻译

15. Punk rock, best characterized as part youth rebellion and part artistic statement, serves as a key site through which to consider the development of community music.

16. Music collectives and punk rock Punk rock, best characterized as part youth rebellion and part artistic statement, serves as a key site through which to consider the development of community music.

17. Here you can find an free MP3 songs whose genres range from rock, pop, alternative, punk, electronica, hip-hop, country, folk, blues…the list goes on.

18. There seemed to be so much conveyer-belt rock where they''d just take the money and run, but punk rock had raw power.

19. In 1969, the first man landed on the moon, Nixon became one of most infamous presidents in US history, students from Harvard and Cornell began mass anti-war riots, Woody Allen wrote his controversial book about sex, gays fought back for the first time against police, the first Rock music festival was born, the Beatles released one of their most famous records and then broke up, Led Zeppelin produced the first heavy metal album, two disturbing and mysterious killing sprees (the Manson family murders and Zodiac killer) unfolded, Punk music was born, Midnight Cowboy became the first X-rated movie to win an Oscar for Best Picture, Sesame Street aired its first show and

20. As the youngest and most revolutionary street punx in People''s Republic of China, their music not only inherits the styles of hardcore punk rock and oi music...

punk rock 单语例句

1. Soundtrack of Our Lives is a Swedish rock band that formed in 1995 from ashes of punk band Union Carbide Productions.

2. The offerings will cover a range of genres - from alternative rock, hip hop and punk rock to folk and reggae.

3. Israeli punk rock band Useless ID will attend this year''s Zebra Music Festival.

4. While punk rock is sometimes all talk and no action, 021 is a bar that practises what it preaches.

5. The Culture Bureau sees rock and punk music as threatening to a stable society, says Zhang Hai Sheng with a laugh.

6. I love punk rock because it''s honest and there''s a lot of feeling behind it.

7. One of Stipe''s heroes was Smith, the bohemian poet who straddled the hippie and punk rock eras.

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