1. 正直:更为重要的是,我们在教育的领域中,需要一种氛围,那就是正直(probity)的行为应该得到尊重. 老师之间,不应该为了自己的私欲,而相互勾心斗角,互挖墙角. 学校之间,不应该为了得到一个似乎很有前途的学生,使尽各种手段. 教育是培养有前途的学生,
2. 诚实:共有怜悯(pity)与诚实(probity)二道德情绪之行为. 」共有怜悯(pity)与诚实(probity)二道德情绪之行为. 」谢林(Selin)之文化冲突理论--强调犯罪行为之发生,
3. 正气:政改方案(英国对香港)constitutional package | 正气uprightness; integrity; probity; rectitude | 政企分开separate government functions from enterprise management
4. 廉洁:Lloyd Garroway in San Francisco.|旧金山的洛伊盖洛瓦 | Probity.|廉洁 | You know, nobody ever said anything iffy about Lloyd Garroway.|洛伊盖洛瓦风评从来就是稳健
1. 正直;耿直;诚实
Probity is a high standard of correct moral behaviour.
e.g. He asserted his innocence and his financial probity.
1. complete and confirmed integrity
having strong moral principles
e.g. in a world where financial probity may not be widespread
he enjoys an exaggerated reputation for probity