
Ponce [pɒns]  [pɑ:ns] 

Ponce 基本解释



Ponce 网络解释

1. 蓬塞:最高峰蓬塔峰(Cerro de Punta),位于蓬塞(Ponce)北面18公里(11哩),海拔1,338公尺(4,390呎),为全岛最高点. 山脉分为三段︰最西部的拉斯梅萨斯(Las Mesas)丘陵有褐铁矿;中部山区花岗岩露头较西部为多;东北部分为该山的支脉卢基约山脉(Sierra de Luquillo).

2. Ponce

2. 庞塞:像这种旋律性强的伟大作品,恐怕今日以法雅为出发点的近代吉他音乐,如托罗巴(TORROBA)、庞塞(PONCE)的作品,也不会表现得如此深入. 可以说,泰雷加新奏法的性质及其重要性就在于此. 遗憾的是,泰雷加新奏法的教本没有保存下来;

3. 蓬塞 波多黎各 中南美:434 Pointe-aPitre 皮特尔角 瓜德罗普岛 中南美 | 435 Ponce 蓬塞 波多黎各 中南美 | 436 Pondicherry 本地治里 印度 印度次大陆

4. 蓬塞(波多黎各):630024马亚圭斯(波多黎各)Mayaguez | 630027蓬塞(波多黎各)Ponce | 630030圣胡安(波多黎各)San Juan

Ponce 双语例句

1. It is fascinating to contemplate the paradigm of life-giving water that once led to Ponce de Leon, a conquistador and colleague of Columbus, to mount a major 15th century expedition to find the Fountain of Youth.
    它是引人入胜的冥想曾经导致 Ponce de Leon、哥伦布的征服者和同事给与生命水的范例,展开一次主要15世纪远征发现长青之泉。

2. A drop in the price of molybdenum, a byproduct of copper mining used to strengthen steel, is also cutting earnings at Codelco and Freeport, Larrain Vial`s Ponce said.
    Larrain Vial`s Ponce 说,Codelco 和 Freeport 公司的钼价下跌,这类曾今可以巩固钢制品的铜矿的副产品,也开始减少收益了。

3. The deal, signed in June 2008, provides Diageo with nearly $3 billion in tax breaks over the next 30 years—including marketing subsidies, a 90% reduction in corporate-income taxes, exemption from property taxes and a new distillery and warehouses to be paid for by government bonds, all to produce Captain Morgan, a swiftly growing brand of spiced rum currently made by the Serralles distillery in Ponce, Puerto Rico.
    这份签署于2008年6月的交易为迪阿吉奥公司在未来30年内提供了近30亿美元的税收减免――包括市场补贴,90%的公司所得税减免、资产税免征和一间新的酿酒厂及若干仓库,所有一切只为生产Captain Morgan酒,一个迅速增长的五香朗姆酒品牌,现由波多黎各岛蓬塞市的Serralles酿酒厂制造。

4. Ponce de Leon sought the elixir in Florida, and Faust searched for this imaginary cordial in his laboratory.

5. Fernando Ponce, controls more than 50 corporations.

6. After a series of murders, inspector Ponce and detective Rocha start an investigation to find the perpetrators.

7. Ponce

7. A drop in the price of molybdenum, a byproduct of copper mining used to strengthen steel, is also cutting earnings at Codelco and Freeport, Larrain Vial''s Ponce said.

8. They went on along the dock carrying their guitar and banjo toward where the light and the singing were coming out of the open door of the Ponce de Leon.

9. Ponce的解释

9. Make sure you''re in there, you ponce.

10. Ponce在线翻译

10. You''re fuck all without me, you ponce.

11. I''d like him better if he didn''t ponce about so much.

12. No one had ever seen the fountain, but ponce understood that every one had heard of it

13. No one had ever seen the fountain, but ponce understood that ever y one had heard of it

14. Ponce we dreamt that we were strangers.

15. Ponce was not a man to waste time in any undertaking.

16. Ponce的意思

16. The quest for a mental fountain of youth, pursued by baby boomers who fear that their bodies will outlive their brains, and who have deeper pockets than Juan Ponce de Le ó n, has created a billion-dollar industry.

17. Ponce

17. No one had ever seen the fountain, but Ponce understood that every one had heard of it.

18. Someone who procures customers for whores (in England they call a pimp a ponce).

19. Ponce was not a man to wast time in any undertaking.

20. Ponce的反义词

20. So, what Ponce de Leon couldn''t find, you did huh?

Ponce 单语例句

1. Ponce de Leon decided to rent a room in his student''s home for $ 75 a month and immerse himself in the favela life.

2. The Amphibious Ready Group include amphibious assault ship USS Kearsarge and amphibious transport dock ship USS Ponce.

3. Bureau spokeswoman Felicia Ponce said she had no details on why Moore was let out.

4. Ponce joined the government in August 2007 as private secretary to the president, and took up the post of defense minister in 2008.

5. Ermita and the Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile on Monday to discuss the disputed islands.

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