
phantom [ˈfæntəm]  [ˈfæntəm] 


phantom 基本解释

名词幻影; 幽灵; 错觉; 恐惧的事物

形容词幽灵似的; 幻影的,虚幻的; 虚构的

phantom 相关例句


1. I found myself staring at her as if she were a phantom.

2. He is only a phantom of a king.

phantom 网络解释

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 虚拟件:有些图纸上的组装件在实际装配过程中并不一定出现,在物料清单中用虚拟件(phantom)来表示. 又如图纸上一个组件(如两端带管接头的软管),在实际装配时,组件下的零件(如管接头座)要先拆下来,分别固定在两个相邻组件上,最后总装时再将软管接上.

2. 幻像:PL audio amp-100自身具备高精度48V幻像(PHANTOM)电源. 特别适合专业的大震膜电容麦克风使用. (使用动圈麦克风只需要关闭48V幻像电源即可). 采用专业的卡侬(Canon)平衡输入,输出采用平衡和非平衡两种接口设计(接口镀金).

phantom 词典解释

1. 鬼魂;幽灵
    A phantom is a ghost.

    e.g. They vanished down the stairs like two phantoms...
    e.g. The phantom used to appear unexpectedly, but mostly during the winter.

2. 幻觉的;幻象的
    You use phantom to describe something which you think you experience but which is not real.

    e.g. She was always taking days off for what her colleagues considered phantom illnesses.
    e.g. ...a phantom pregnancy.

3. (尤指罪犯)身份不明的
    Phantom can refer to something that is done by an unknown person, especially something criminal.

    e.g. ...victims of alleged ''phantom'' withdrawals from high-street cash machines.

4. 有名无实的;虚假骗人的
    Phantom is used to describe business organizations, agreements, or goods which do not really exist, but which someone pretends do exist in order to cheat people.

    e.g. ...a phantom trading scheme at a Wall Street investment bank.

phantom 英英释义


1. something existing in perception only

    e.g. a ghostly apparition at midnight

    Synonym: apparitionphantasmphantasmafantasmshadow

2. a ghostly appearing figure

    e.g. we were unprepared for the apparition that confronted us

    Synonym: apparitionphantasmphantasmafantasmspecterspectre


1. something apparently sensed but having no physical reality

    e.g. seemed to hear faint phantom bells
           the amputee''s illusion of a phantom limb

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