

PES 基本解释


abbr.Photoelectric Scanner 光电扫描器

PES 网络解释

1. 聚醚砜:用于增韧环氧树 脂的热塑性树脂主要有双马来酰亚胺(BMI)、聚醚 砜(PES)、聚砜(PSF)、聚醚酰亚胺(PEI)、聚酰亚胺 (PI)、聚碳酸酯(PC)、聚苯醚(PPO)、聚醚醚酮 (PEEK)等.

2. 聚苯醚砜:[知识] 聚苯醚砜(PES)制造方法、性能特征介绍聚苯醚砜(PES)是英国ICI公司于1972年开发的芳香族热塑性聚合物,商品名为VICTREX.

3. 共聚酯:[摘要]我司代理销售进口热熔胶膜,热溶胶膜,详情如下:(一)纺织(服装)用的热熔胶(网)膜A)共聚酰胺(PA)热熔胶(网)膜;B)共聚酯(PES)热熔胶(网)膜;C)PU热熔胶(网)膜;D)PO...

4. 生态环境服务付费:生态环境服务付费(PES)作用机理浅析[摘要]生态环境服务付费(PES)是一种将环境服务非市场的、具有外部性的价值转化为对环境保护者财政激励的方法. 本文以生态环境服务付费的概念入手,以其基础理论为支撑,

5. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

5. pes:uv photo electron spectroscopy; 光电子能谱

6. pes:potential energy surfaces; 势能面

7. PES的意思

7. pes:programmed extra-stimulation; 程控期前刺激

8. pes:polyether-ether-sulfone; 聚芳醚砜

PES 双语例句

1. 公共查询·英语单词大全

1. Finally, the results of the real-time network system and the modularized software architecture for power conversion systems are implemented.

2. Then pyrogenation them to XN, and got their PES. X_(2) reacted with AgOCN produced XNCO.

3. Recently, it is important of the pollution of atmospheric. We studied the electronic structure and reaction of gaseous XN and XNCO(X=F. Cl. Br. I), first got the PES of those species, then calculation some chracter of theirs by quantum chemistry theorem.

4. PES

4. This is not realistic, but this happened in our past Pro Evo and Winning Eleven series.

5. As such, PES 2010 necessitates a new level of control from the player.

6. The minimum value appeared at lateral toes which mainly due to the pes planus and calcaneal valgus foot structure. The plantar pressure pattern of Down`s syndrome children`s wearing orthopaedic shoes is closed to normal subjects; arch index value also supports this results.

7. Butthere`s so much more to it than just that. Delve deep and you discoverthe most polished and absorbing PES in years, one that`s withoutquestion the best we`ve seen appear on the next generation of consoles.

8. They are usually served alone as after-dinner drinks but are sometimes used in mixed drinks or dessert dishes or as fuel in flame d dishes such as cr pes suzettes and cherries jubilee.

9. 公共查询·英语单词大全

9. Nissan N6, N66, CN-CA, PVDF, PTFE, PP, PES, such as folding 5000 microporous filter; at the same time more than ten automatic production line and testing equipment.

10. He forced a tablet of yaba down her throat and r*pes her.

11. Whereafter, a series of crossing points involving the structures and energy values have been located and the spin inversion behaviors by which the reaction system can hop from one PES to another by effective spin-orbital coupling have been inspected. Finally, the energetically more favorable channel was confirmed according to thermodynamic and dynamic data.
      接下来运用Hammond假设和Yoshizawa等人的计算方法搜索到不同自旋态势能面之间的交叉缝(crossing seam,CS)并确定了势能面交叉点(crossing point,CP)的结构和相对能量,研究了在有效的自旋-轨道耦合作用下,反应体系由一势能面经系间窜越到另一势能面的电子自旋翻转行为,根据计算所获得的热力学和动力学数据综合分析可能的反应路径,最终确定整个反应的最佳反应通道。

12. PES什么意思

12. In this paper, pentaerythrityl tetraethylenediamine, which would be used for a novel dendrimer membrane material, was successfully synthesized. Several methods of preparing membranes with this kind of dendrimer were investigated and PETEDA-PVA/PES blend composite membrane was successfully developed. The CO_2/CH_4permselectivity of this membrane was measured.

13. PES的翻译

13. The valence and total DOS are in good agreement with experimental PES and STS respectively. A small energy shift of LUMO states of C〓 can be observed in the curve of valence DOS due to the effect of charge transfer.

14. I speak as a fool I am more; in labours more abundant, in st***pes above measure, in p***sons more frequent, in deaths oft.

15. The PESes were discussed in detail. The results showed that the ground-state doublet state has lower energy barrier and is exoergic. Therefore, the reaction on the doublet PES is favorable.

16. danci.edu.pub

16. Perhaps it''s best to use a real world analogy: if FIFA 10 is ManchesterUnited, then PES 2010 is Aston Villa. Despite flashes of class, onlyone team is capable of winning the Premier League.

17. A jewel in the crown of the PES series both past and present.

18. On the basis of correcting results of fitting of potential energy surface of NH〓〓, we simulated the results of experiments of REMPI PES of 〓 state with nano second and femto second laser on one and two dimension with the new method introduced by us.

19. It possessed asymmetric flight feathers not only on the manus but also on the pes.

20. In simulation the tensile deformation mechanism of either crimp interchange or tensile deformation of fabric in coating is analyzed. By means of the least square method, the nonlinear tensile curve of fabric is approximated by sections of linear fitting. PVC/PES coated fabrics are used to evaluate the feasibility of the model.
      建模过程中分别考虑了以经纬纱屈曲转换为主及纱线拉伸伸长为主的变形机制,用最小二乘法分段线性拟合来描述织物拉伸性能的非线性,用 PVC/PES膜材料的拉伸试验验证模型的可靠性。

PES 单语例句

1. In order to control risks, the fund began to seek investment opportunities in PEs.

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