
necessity [nəˈsesəti]  [nəˈsɛsɪti] 


necessity 基本解释

名词必需品; 必要(性); (迫切)需要; 自然规律

necessity 同义词

necessity 反义词


necessity 相关词组


1. of necessity : 必然地;

2. bow to necessity : 屈服于需要, 做不得不做的事;

necessity 相关例句


1. Food and clothing are necessities of life.

2. She felt the necessity of accepting the invitation.

3. Night follows day as a necessity.

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4. She is now in necessity.

5. Water is a necessity of life.

necessity 网络解释

1. 必要:对学校会计职业道德教育存有异议的观点主要体现在相关性(relevance)、必要(necessity)、有效性(effectiveness)上. 会计与道德不相关的第二种解释具有更大的迷惑性. 这种迷惑性表现在于理论上的深厚渊源. 相对于第一种解释中过于浅白的技术与道德的区分,

necessity 词典解释

1. 必然;必要
    The necessity of something is the fact that it must happen or exist.

    e.g. There is agreement on the necessity of reforms...
    e.g. As soon as the necessity for action is over the troops must be withdrawn...

2. 必需品;必不可少的事物
    A necessity is something that you must have in order to live properly or do something.

    e.g. Water is a basic necessity of life.
    e.g. ...food, fuel and other daily necessities.

3. 不可避免的情况(或行动)
    A situation or action that is a necessity is necessary and cannot be avoided.

    e.g. The President pleaded that strong rule from the centre was a regrettable, but temporary necessity.

necessity 英英释义


1. anything indispensable

    e.g. food and shelter are necessities of life
           the essentials of the good life
           allow farmers to buy their requirements under favorable conditions
           a place where the requisites of water fuel and fodder can be obtained

    Synonym: essentialrequirementrequisitenecessary

2. the condition of being essential or indispensable

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