名词最低点,最底点; [天]天底; 最压抑,消沉等的时刻; 最低温度
1. at the nadir of : 在...的最低点;
1. His fortune was at its nadir.
1. 天底:Static Field(静电场)技能提升 2级(仅限于女巫能量值 +10;活力值 +10;最小伤害提升 9;减少目标 25%防御度;所受魔法伤害减少 7;防御度提升 50%; 天底(Nadir) 头盔系 2个符 那夫(Nef)+特尔(Tir) 防御度提升 50%;
2. 最低点:若在给药后第28天,血球数并未增加高于最低点(Nadir)之25%,则须暂停治疗并重新评估病患之血球数7天;根据厂商资料如给药后第42天,血球数并未增加高于最低点之25%,则只需使用50%疗程剂量(Scheduled dose)治疗.
3. nadir的翻译
3. 纳迪尔:两名男主人翁祖尔加(Zurga)和纳迪尔(Nadir)在一个昏暗的寺庙里,同时爱上一个美貌的婆罗门女祭司蕾拉(Leila),但女祭司选择了纳迪尔,祖尔加妒火中烧,想借机处死两人.
1. 最低点;最不幸的时刻
The nadir of something such as someone''s career or the history of an organization is its worst time.
e.g. 1945 to 1946 was the nadir of Truman''s presidency.
2. 天底
In astronomy, the nadir is the point at which the sun or moon is directly below you, on the other side of the earth.
1. the point below the observer that is directly opposite the zenith on the imaginary sphere against which celestial bodies appear to be projected
2. an extreme state of adversity
the lowest point of anything
Synonym: low-water mark