名词裂片; 肺叶; 耳垂; 脑叶
1. 脑叶:大脑皮质有四片脑叶(lobe),任何一叶的损坏都会导致特殊的问题,例如:枕叶(occipital lobe)位於头部后方,主管脑部主要的视觉区域. 该区域若受伤,会造成视觉受损,受伤程度严重者,甚至可导致失明. 位於头部另一边、耳朵后方的颞叶(temporal lobe)若受损,
2. 肺叶:(4)肺叶、肺段、肺小叶:肺叶(lobe)由叶间胸膜分隔而成,右肺分为上、中、下三个肺叶,左肺上、下两个肺叶. 肺叶与肺野的概念不同,肺叶前后重叠. 肺叶由2~5个肺段组成,每个肺段有单独的段支气管. 肺段常呈圆锥形,尖端指向肺门,
1. 耳垂
The lobe of your ear is the soft, fleshy part at the bottom.
2. (脑、肺等的)叶;(树叶的)裂片
A lobe is a rounded part of something, for example one of the sections of your brain or lungs, or one of the rounded sections along the edges of some leaves.
e.g. ...damage to the temporal lobe of the brain.
1. a rounded projection that is part of a larger structure
2. (anatomy) a somewhat rounded subdivision of a bodily organ or part
e.g. ear lobe
3. the enhanced response of an antenna in a given direction as indicated by a loop in its radiation pattern
4. (botany) a part into which a leaf is divided