名词语调,声调; [乐]发声,转调; [宗]吟诵; 语音的抑扬
1. 声调:说好英语的五个要素是发音(Pronunciation)、重音(Stress)、声调(Intonation)、节奏(Rhythm)和连音(Linking). 要想说得地道,开始就要五个要素都注意学好,而不是一个一个学习. 每个人刚开始学习母语的时候,实际上都是模仿父母说出的整句,
2. 音调:虽然帕格尼尼所采用的许多技术业已存在,但那个时期的许多著名小提琴演奏家大多将注意力多放在音调(intonation)与弓法(bowing technique)等所谓的右手技术上.
1. 语调;声调
Your intonation is the way that your voice rises and falls as you speak.
e.g. His voice had a very slight German intonation.
1. the production of musical tones (by voice or instrument)
especially the exactitude of the pitch relations
2. the act of singing in a monotonous tone
Synonym: chanting
3. singing by a soloist of the opening piece of plainsong
4. rise and fall of the voice pitch
Synonym: modulationpitch contour