
inept [ɪˈnept]  [ɪnˈɛpt] 

inept 基本解释


形容词笨拙的; 无能的,不称职的; 愚昧的,愚蠢的; 不恰当的

inept 相关例句


1. They''re inept at tennis.

2. He''s quite inept at tennis.

inept 网络解释

1. 不适当的:inenarrable 难以描述的 | inept 不适当的 | ineptitude 不称职

2. 无能的,不适当的:adept 老练的,精通的 | inept 无能的,不适当的 | nondescript 没有特征的,平凡的

3. 不适宜的:ineligible#无资格的;不适当的 | inept#不适宜的 | insidious#狡猾的

4. inept

4. 无能:inert 惰性 | inept 无能 | inflame 使燃烧

inept 词典解释

1. 无能的;笨拙的
    If you say that someone is inept, you are criticizing them because they do something with a complete lack of skill.


    e.g. He was inept and lacked the intelligence to govern...
    e.g. You are completely inept at writing.

inept 英英释义


1. revealing lack of perceptiveness or judgment or finesse

    e.g. an inept remark
           it was tactless to bring up those disagreeable

    Synonym: tactless

2. generally incompetent and ineffectual

    e.g. feckless attempts to repair the plumbing
           inept handling of the account

    Synonym: feckless

3. not elegant or graceful in expression

    e.g. an awkward prose style
           a clumsy apology
           his cumbersome writing style
           if the rumor is true, can anything be more inept than to repeat it now?

    Synonym: awkwardclumsycumbersomeinaptill-chosen

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