名词化身; 前身; 典型体现
1. The leading dancer is the incarnation of grace.
1. 实体:就像一架飞机在天空中的飞行是一组基于一个蓝图集合来配合动作的部件,一个ActionScript 程序的运行是一组基于一个类(Class)集合来配合动作的对象(Object). 对象是类的实体(Incarnation)或者实例(Instance). 类是对象所基于的蓝图.
2. 体现:霍布斯和卢梭思想,以及后来奥尔森的工作,在人类思想史上无疑具有重要的历史意义,且在人类的数百年的现代化进程中,霍布斯的利维坦和卢梭的社会契约论,均能在欧洲社会历史上存在过的政治和社会体制中发现其理论的现实体现(incarnation).
1. (某种品质的)典型体现,化身
If you say that someone is the incarnation of a particular quality, you mean that they represent that quality or are typical of it in an extreme form.
e.g. The regime was the very incarnation of evil...
e.g. She is a perfect incarnation of glamour.
2. (在世间的)化身,前身
An incarnation is an instance of being alive on earth in a particular form. Some religions believe that people have several incarnations in different forms.
e.g. She began recalling a series of previous incarnations...
e.g. His industry and persistence suggest that he was an ant in a previous incarnation.
1. the act of attributing human characteristics to abstract ideas etc.
Synonym: personification
2. a new personification of a familiar idea
e.g. the embodiment of hope
the incarnation of evil
the very avatar of cunning
Synonym: embodimentavatar
3. time passed in a particular bodily form
e.g. he believes that his life will be better in his next incarnation