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Hejira [hɪˈdʒaɪərə, ˈhedʒərə]  [hɪˈdʒaɪrə, ˈhɛdʒərə] 

Hejira 基本解释


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Hejira 网络解释

1. Hejira

1. 伊斯兰教纪元:heize 升起 | Hejira 伊斯兰教纪元 | hektare 公顷

2. 回教纪元:hejira 逃遁 | hejira 回教纪元 | hekistotherm 适最低温的植物


3. 逃遁:heist 拦劫 | hejira 逃遁 | hejira 回教纪元

4. Hejira在线翻译

4. 回教纪元/逃亡/逃遁:heister /强盗/贼/ | hejira /回教纪元/逃亡/逃遁/ | hekate /司天地及冥界的女神/

Hejira 双语例句

1. Zayd. By his preaching and his attack on heathenism, Mohammed provoked persecution which drove him from Mecca to Medina in 622, the year of the Hejira and the beginning of the Mohammedan Era.
    按他的说教和他的攻击heathenism ,穆罕默德挑起迫害开车送他从麦加到麦地,在622年的hejira ,并开始了穆罕默德的时代。

2. There was no time for hejira, or tactical retreat.

3. Hejira的解释

3. This trip became known as the hejira, the flight from persecution in Mecca.
    此行被称为该hejira ,该航班从迫害,在麦加朝圣。

4. In 632 he made his last pilgrimage to Mecca at the head of forty thousand followers, and soon after his return died of a violent fever in the sixty-third year of his age, the eleventh of the Hejira, and the year 633 of the Christian era.
    在他632他最后一次到麦加朝圣的负责人4.0万追随者,不久他返回死於暴力热第六十二第三年他的年龄,第十一届的Hejira ,以及一年633基督教时代。

5. By his preaching and his attack on heathenism, Mohammed provoked persecution which drove him from Mecca to Medina in 622, the year of the Hejira and the beginning of the Mohammedan Era.
    他的说教和他的攻击异教,穆罕默德挑起的迫害,将他从麦加到麦地在622年的Hejira ,并开始穆罕默德时代。

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