1. galleon
1. 西班牙大帆船:其中包括了宪法号(USS Constitution)这样的名船,成功为初生之犊的美国海军对抗英国海军时赢得了许多胜利. ├─>快舰(Brig)->巡防舰(Frigate)└>卡拉克帆船(Carrack)->西班牙大帆船(Galleon)加列(Galley)->大型帆桨并用船(Galleass)
1. 大帆船(主要用于15至17世纪)
A galleon is a sailing ship with three masts. Galleons were used mainly in the fifteenth to seventeenth centuries.
1. a large square-rigged sailing ship with three or more masts
used by the Spanish for commerce and war from the 15th to 18th centuries