
evasion [ɪˈveɪʒn]  [ɪˈveʒən] 


evasion 基本解释

名词逃避,规避,躲避某人; 遁辞,借口


evasion 相关例句


1. His answers to my questions were all evasions.

2. The fox''s clever evasion of the dogs.

evasion 网络解释

1. 闪避:远古行刑者(Ancient Executioner) 允许召唤远古行刑者,远古行刑者为隐型单位,攻击力极高单位:影射手(Shade Archer)隐型(Invisible) 隐型时敌方不能自动攻击,受攻击时有66%几率躲避影武士(Shade Warrior)闪避(Evasion) 移动时受到的伤害减少20点龙岩控制龙族殖民地,

2. 回避:受到的物理伤害降低1/15.最多5次加成.效果:我方全体命中(Accuracy)能力数据+1.最多5次加成..效果:我方全体魔力(Magic)和魔法防御(Magic Defense)能力数据+1.每施行一次,受到的魔法伤害降低1/15.最多5次加成.效果:我方全体回避(Evasion)能力数据+1.最多

3. 规避:通过协议分析,IPS能够针对插入(Insertion)与规避(Evasion)攻击进行检测. 异常检测的误报率比较高,NIPS不将其作为主要技术. 随着网络入侵事件的不断增加和黑客攻击水平的不断提高,一方面企业网络感染病毒、遭受攻击的速度日益加快,

4. 逃税:本人认为,从税法角度来看,国际逃税(evasion)与国际避税(avoidance)的性质根本不同,前者一般是指跨国纳税人采取某种违反税法的手段或措施,减少或逃避就其跨国所得或财产价值本应承担纳税义务的行为.

evasion 词典解释

1. 逃避;规避
    Evasion means deliberately avoiding something that you are supposed to do or deal with.


    e.g. Many Koreans were angered at what they saw as an evasion of responsibility...
    e.g. He was arrested for tax evasion.

2. 回避;避而不谈;避而不答
    If you accuse someone of evasion when they have been asked a question, you mean that they are deliberately avoiding giving a clear direct answer.

    e.g. We want straight answers. No evasions...
    e.g. Ted grinned in evasion and cleared his throat.

evasion 英英释义


1. the act of physically escaping from something (an opponent or a pursuer or an unpleasant situation) by some adroit maneuver

2. nonperformance of something distasteful (as by deceit or trickery) that you are supposed to do

    e.g. his evasion of his clear duty was reprehensible
           that escape from the consequences is possible but unattractive

    Synonym: escapedodging

3. the deliberate act of failing to pay money

    e.g. his evasion of all his creditors
           he was indicted for nonpayment

    Synonym: nonpayment

4. a statement that is not literally false but that cleverly avoids an unpleasant truth

    Synonym: equivocation

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