名词龙,龙船; [D-][天文学]天龙(星座); [口语、贬义]脾气暴躁的人
1. 东方龙:在东方,龙(Dragon)是君主的象征,而西方的龙也常以威严,肃穆的气势示人,仔细比较起来东方的龙与西方的龙略有不同,东方的龙往往与水相关联,闻名中外的九龙壁上画的,也是九条龙在巨浪上翻腾的形象.
2. 火龙:由于无法直接选出骑士(Knight)与火龙(Dragon)这两辆隐藏的坦克补充:骑士(Knight)延迟数据,近日获得,其坦克本身使用道具时附加的延迟是30
3. 飞龙:纽约凯尔特人队在20世纪20年代就曾是一只很成功的队伍.夏洛特山猫2004年加入NBA成为一支新的球队, 在举办的为球队命名的比赛中进入最终名单的: 山猫(Bobcats), 飞龙(Dragon) 和 飞行(Flight) 这三个名字里,
1. 龙(故事和传说中有翼有爪且会喷火的动物)
In stories and legends, a dragon is an animal like a big lizard. It has wings and claws, and breathes out fire.
2. 悍妇;母夜叉
If someone calls a woman, especially an older woman, a dragon, they mean that she is fierce and unpleasant.
1. any of several small tropical Asian lizards capable of gliding by spreading winglike membranes on each side of the body
Synonym: flying dragonflying lizard
2. a creature of Teutonic mythology
usually represented as breathing fire and having a reptilian body and sometimes wings
Synonym: firedrake
3. a fiercely vigilant and unpleasant woman
Synonym: tartar