1. According to the H NMRstudy, it was found that the protons on the cyclopentadienyl ring of 〓 were not splitted, but when one proton on the cyclopentadienylring was substituted by methyl, that is in〓 complexes, thefour protons on the ring were splitted into four groups, the 〓 between the onesignal and the others is large, the total splitting is over 2ppm. The splittings werealso affected by the halides linked with the titanium, they increase according to theorder of CI, Br, I. By the study of the 〓 Sn NMR, it is found that the chemicalshifts of 〓 are present in low field. It is assume that the large space strain causesthe angles of the tin linked with ligands deviate from the normal tetrahedral anglesresults low field shift for 〓Sn. And by MS study, there were no molecular ions for 〓 complexes in the spectra. However, for 〓 when X=CI, Br, NCO and Ar is tolyl or phenyl group, there were molecular ions, but theirabundances were very small, and no that for the iodide was found.
2. 公共查询·英语单词
2. Chromosome numbers which deviate from the normal number of chromosomes for a species are said to be heteroploid.
3. danci.edu.pub
3. The record is taken a photograph of in the uniqueness with distinctness of development orbit of China, made a general survey of the record and photographed in initial staging, the paces in China had difficulty moving about, had a history of more than 100 years to introduce since the 20th century to China to photograph, but real documentary photography of meaning frank to deviate from normal central line of the main channel of development go on slowly, in this course of slow development, it is some reasons that cause the record to photograph and is in a scattered one for a long time, subconscious, under the form of the simple record.
4. The simulation result of a continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) shows that the data would deviate from normal distribution under parametric uncertainty, and different parameters have distinct effect on data distribution at the same uncertain degree.
5. Due to the power interventions, there are excess and speculative demands on the international markets, which cause the oil price fluctuation to deviate from normal supply and demand relations and result in a prolongation of the cycle of oil price fluctuations.
6. The results show that with the presence of vertical stratification, the vertical structures of Rossby waves deviate from the normal sine or cosine waves.
7. Outlier refers to these objects that do not accorded with the general rule of the normal data or deviate from the normal data. Their generation mechanism is completely different compared with the normal object, but they may contain very important information that we always neglected.
8. Objective By the analysis of the BSID clinical test, to know about, in the child-care outpatient service, the childre''s body and mind development condition, the deviate extent from normal, the reason and the intervention measure.