1. Results According to articulation position, 68.44% of misarticulations of functional speech disordes occurred in dental consonants; while 57.78% in palatal consonants; 23.11% in alveolar consonants; 24% in velar consonants; 14.67% in lateral consonant and 17.33% in retroflex consonants. According to speech pathology, 37.33% of misarticulations was palatalized misarticulation; while 22.67% lateral misarticulation; 21.33% inter-dental misarticulation; 8% palatalized misarticulation with lateral misarticulation; 5.33% lateral misarticulation with interdental misarticulation; 1.33% nasopharyngeal misarticulation and 4% others.
结果 功能性异常语音的异常语音出现率按构音点分:舌尖前音(68.44%)、舌面音(57.78%)、舌尖后音(23.11%)、舌根音(24%)和舌尖中边音(14.67%)、舌尖中音(17.33%),它们可单独出现,也可两种异常音并存;按语音病理学分类:腭化音占37.33%、侧化音占22.67%、齿间音占21.33%、腭化音+侧化音占8%、侧化音+齿间音占5.33%、鼻腔音占1.33%、其它占4%。
2. dental consonant
2. The English dental consonant s It and Id.
3. Besides, the author expounds the development of dental initial consonant.