形容词茫然的; 晕眩的; 神魂颠倒的,失魂落魄的
1. 晕眩:重伤23 AC17;强韧13,反射15,意志14; 速度6格; 木棍(标准动作;随意)◆武器 +8vs.AC;1D8+1伤害 电击杖(Shock Staff标准动作;充能4,5,6)◆闪电,武器 装备木棍,+8vs.AC;2D10+4闪电伤害,目标在大地精战巫下个回合结束前晕眩(dazed).
2. 头昏的:daytimenoontide 白昼 | dazed 头昏的 | dazed 头昏的
1. 恍惚的;头昏的;茫然的
If someone is dazed, they are confused and unable to think clearly, often because of shock or a blow to the head.
e.g. At the end of the interview I was dazed and exhausted.
1. in a state of mental numbness especially as resulting from shock
e.g. he had a dazed expression on his face
lay semiconscious, stunned (or stupefied) by the blow
was stupid from fatigue
Synonym: stunnedstupefiedstupid(p)
2. stunned or confused and slow to react (as from blows or drunkenness or exhaustion)