
Cyprian是什么意思 Cyprian在线翻译 Cyprian什么意思 Cyprian的意思 Cyprian的翻译 Cyprian的解释 Cyprian的发音 Cyprian的同义词 Cyprian的反义词

Cyprian [ˈsipriən]  [ˈsɪpriən] 

Cyprian 基本解释

名词塞浦路斯的,塞浦路斯人[语]的; 西普里安(男子名),来源于希腊语,含义是“塞浦路斯的”(of Cyprus)

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Cyprian 网络解释

1. 居普良:''(二)居普良(Cyprian)用了两句伟大的话来描写那些至死忠心的信徒. 他说他们是''杰出的伟人,而在传家礼赞的纹章历史中必会刻上他们的好名声. ''他又称他们是''一营穿着白袍的基督精兵. ''对忠心的信徒来说,这表示还有第二个应许:他们必不受第二次死的害.

2. 塞浦路斯:由于种类不同,Latakia的颜色也从黑棕色到黑色不等,主要有两种:塞浦路斯(Cyprian)和叙利亚(Syrian). 叙利亚的颜色通常比塞浦路斯的颜色亮,烟熏味也更重. 为了得到这特殊的橡木而进行的森林砍伐使橡木的产量越来越少了,

3. Cyprian在线翻译

3. 淫荡的人:cypress 柏树 | cyprian 淫荡的人 | cyprinid 鲤科之鱼

4. Cyprian

4. 塞浦路斯語:mellow 圓潤的;柔潤的 | Cyprian 塞浦路斯語 | Serbo-Croat 塞爾維亞-克羅地亞語(南斯拉夫)

Cyprian 双语例句

1. Tertullian and Cyprian do not mention it, and Mommsen''s Canon (360) still bears traces of the uncertainty among the Churches of the West in this respect.
    良和塞浦路斯没有提及它,蒙森的佳能( 360 )仍负有的痕迹的不确定性之间的教会,西方在这方面的工作。

2. 公共查询·英语单词大全

2. And he came and stood upon the margin of the hoary sea, alone in the darkness of the night, and called aloud on the deep-voiced Wielder of the Trident; and he appeared unto him nigh at his foot. Then he said unto him:''Lo now, O Poseidon, if the kind gifts of the Cyprian goddess are anywise pleasant in thine eyes, restrain Oinomaos''bronze spear, and send me unto Elis upon a chariot exceeding swift, and give the victory to my hands.

3. T was in the Ionic dialect that theepic poems of Homer, the Iliad and the Odyssey, appeared, perhaps in the 9thcentury B. C.

4. Cyprian什么意思

4. Long before Cyprian, Clement of Alexandria had puzzled over the question of the state or condition of the man who, reconciled to God on his death-bed, had no time for the fulfilment of penance due his transgression.

5. Writings of this kind are the pastoral or canonical letters of St. Cyprian, St. Peter of Alexandria, St. Basil of Cappadocia, and St. Gregory of Nyssa; the decretals and synodal letters of a number of popes, as Siricius, Innocent, Celestine, Leo I, etc.; canons of several oecumenical councils.
    写作这种是典型畜牧或信件的圣塞浦路斯,圣彼得亚历山大,圣巴西尔的卡帕多西亚和圣格雷戈里的果树;的decretals和信件主教会议的一些教皇,如Siricius ,无辜的,巴巴亚罗,利奥一世等;大炮的几个oecumenical理事会。

6. None of the Greek Fathers have treated the incident in their commentaries, and, among Latin writers, Tertullian, Cyprian, and Hilary appear to have no knowledge of this pericope.

7. Clement and Origen at Alexandria, Tertullian and Cyprian in Africa, the Peshitto in Syria, Irenaeus in Gaul, the ancient Itala and Hippolytus at Rome all agree in attributing it to Peter, as do also the heretics, Basilides and Theodore of Byzantium.

8. Cyprian是什么意思

8. Until his day, the only great Latin Father was St. Cyprian, and Hilary had no rival in his own generation.

9. Tertullian profoundly influenced the later church fathers, especially Saint Cyprian - and through them, all Christian theologians of the West.

10. The corrections peculiar to the Itala are attested by the quotations of Cyprian, and may have been derived from a Greek manuscript taken to Africa.

11. St. Augustine was a professor of rhetoric before his wonderful conversion; but like St. Cyprian, and even more than St. Cyprian, he put aside, as a Christian, all the artifices of oratory which he knew so well.

12. But Rome was near, and the pope had certainly far more actual power, as well as more recognized right, than the primate; we see this in Tertullian''s time, and it remains true in spite of the resistance of Cyprian.

13. Cyprian in some places testifies that the blood was given to the people.

14. Self is always very negligent in this Cyprian season...

15. Cyprian在线翻译

15. Cyprian carried on a bitter controversy with Stephen, bishop of Rome, on this issue.

16. Accordingly, Cyprian also advises that women who do not keep the chastity they have promised should marry.

17. This settled custom of the Church is clear from St. Cyprian, who PL IV, col.

18. A salt of zinc hydroxide, such as Zn (OH) 2. cyprian vitriol

19. The Alexandrian school at the end of the second and early in the third century deserves notice, as do such writers as Irenaeus, Tertullian, Hippolytus, and Cyprian.
      该亚历山大学校,在去年底的第二和早在三世纪,值得声明的内容,因为这样的作家爱任纽,戴尔都良,hippolytus ,和塞浦路斯。

20. Tertullian profoundly influenced the later church fathers, especially Saint Cyprian-and through them, all Christian theologians of the West.

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