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Bon voyage是什么意思 Bon voyage在线翻译 Bon voyage什么意思 Bon voyage的意思 Bon voyage的翻译 Bon voyage的解释 Bon voyage的发音 Bon voyage的同义词

Bon voyage[ˌbɔnvɔiˈɑ:dʒ] 

Bon voyage 基本解释


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Bon voyage 网络解释

1. 一路顺风:<<一帆风顺>>或者<<一路顺风>>(Bon Voyage)有纹风不动的讽刺意味,幽了戏里趁火打劫陞官发财的机会主义者一默,译作莫名其妙的<<乱世情花>>,扯佳人衫尾的情天已经泥菩萨过江,实在没有能力超渡企图搭顺风车的不速之客.

2. 一路平安:法国旅游杂志<<一路平安>>(Bon Voyage) 在 2004 年 11 月至 12 月期中列出了 20 款最时尚的乘务员制服. 芬兰航空制服在此名单中名列第五,而且是前十名中唯一一款具西方特色的航空制服. 该杂志评论,

3. 一帆风顺:59、Happy landing.祝你安全抵达. | 60、Bon voyage.一帆风顺. | 61、Hope to see you again.希望再次见到你.

4. [法]再见, 一路顺风[平安]:second teeth 成人齿 | Bon voyage [法]再见, 一路顺风[平安] | auxite 澎皂石

Bon voyage 双语例句

1. Bon Voyage! I`m traveling to China to participate in an international professional and cultural program.

2. Bon voyage

2. When you are Bon voyage, never make threatening gestures, because of not whole is your personal factor

3. Bon voyage的翻译

3. RBI ready to pack when you travel, remember that I fitted with the blessing --- bon voyage!

4. At last, I`d like to wish our country, Bon voyage!

5. Everybody''s life aren''t Bon voyage, situation and frustrate is you have to of friend.

6. Farewell, wind to your sails and bon voyage, Smithee.

7. danci.edu.pub

7. When you dot your luggage ready to travel, remember My blessing loaded - bon voyage!

8. Bon voyage

8. And if you go away, someone may wish you bon voyage or have a good trip.

9. Bon voyage是什么意思

9. But impossibly always Bon voyage, and the result obtain obvious to the person''s influence function.

10. I also had to have no alternative wish it in the moral nature to be bon voyage.

11. 公共查询·英语单词

11. He worriedly wished me bon voyage several times as I traveled far and wide during summers when he had to work.
      当我坚持要从事滑翔运动时,他只是紧张的注视着我驾驶 Harley ,却不多言多语。

12. Yes, the life does not certainly have the bon voyage which the people anticipated, facing success, people always joyful extremely, because it is our diligently approval; Facing defeat, the people always feel dejected.

13. Bon voyage! Good-by! Good night! Hope to see you again.

14. Goodbye! Bon voyage!

15. Bon voyage在线翻译

15. Have a good trip!; Bon voyage!

16. Have a good trip! or Bon voyage!

17. In bidding farewell to you, I wish you bon voyage and good health!

18. Many members of the family went to the airport to wish the Walkers''bon voyage''when they left on their trip.

19. He will then wish you bon voyage, and probably tell you all about his vacation plans.

20. Bon voyage的近义词

20. Bon voyage! Have a safe tour.

Bon voyage 单语例句

1. That is why we wish the draft revision bon voyage through its current review, and the one in March.

Bon voyage 英英释义

Bon voyage的解释


1. an organized expression of goodwill at the start of a trip or new venture

    Synonym: send-off

Bon voyage是什么意思,Bon voyage在线翻译,Bon voyage什么意思,Bon voyage的意思,Bon voyage的翻译,Bon voyage的解释,Bon voyage的发音,Bon voyage的同义词,Bon voyage的反义词,Bon voyage的例句,Bon voyage的相关词组,Bon voyage意思是什么,Bon voyage怎么翻译,单词Bon voyage是什么意思
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