名词独裁; 独裁统治; 独裁政府; 独裁政体
1. 独裁:政治绝对主义与专制(despotism),专政(dictatorship),独裁(autocracy)同义. 历史上,最典型的例子是欧洲十七、十八世纪的绝对君主制,尤其是路易十四(LouisⅩⅣ,1638―1715,1643―1715在位)统治下的法国,前者L'Etatc'estmoi[5]的名言简洁地表达了此种观念.
1. 独裁政府;独裁政治
Autocracy is government or control by one person who has complete power.
e.g. Many poor countries are abandoning autocracy.
2. 专制政府;独裁组织
An autocracy is a country or organization that is ruled by one person who has complete power.
e.g. She ceded all power to her son-in-law who now runs the country as an autocracy.
1. a political theory favoring unlimited authority by a single individual
2. a political system governed by a single individual
Synonym: autarchy