1. 过街楼:22.永久性顶盖 (permanent cap) 经规划批准设计的永久使用的顶盖. 23.飘窗 (bay window) 为房间采光和美化造型而设置的突出外墙的窗. 24.骑楼 (overhang) 楼层部分跨在人行道上的临街楼房. 25.过街楼 (arcade) 有道路穿过建筑空间的楼房.
2. 连拱廊:侧堂(SIDE AISLE)罗马会堂式(BASILICA)或基督教教堂中,与中堂(NAVE)平行但又以连拱廊(ARCADE)或柱廊(COLONNADE)与之隔开的走廊(图246、289). 中堂两边可能有一排或两排侧堂,即内侧堂或外侧堂.
3. 街道:十九世纪下半叶,将外在景观内在化的都市建筑,诸如带拱廊的街道(arcade)、内部包含各类商店走廊展窗的贸易中心、世界博览会展厅(world expositions)、博物馆等等,开始风靡欧美各大城市如伦敦、巴黎、芝加哥和圣路易斯等.
1. 室内(购物)商场
An arcade is a covered passage where there are shops or market stalls.
e.g. ...a shopping arcade.
2. 同amusement arcade
An arcade is the same as an amusement arcade .
e.g. ...13 year-olds spending their pocket money on fruit machines in arcades.
1. a structure composed of a series of arches supported by columns
Synonym: colonnade
2. a covered passageway with shops and stalls on either side