形容词相似的,可比拟的; 生>同功的; 模拟式
1. The heart is analogous to a pump.
1. 类似的:这里很多的内容我们是从康德的政治性著作中发现的,但是为了理解这种立场我们要转向<判断力批判>>,在那里我们发现康德面对着一个相像的(similar)或者类似的(analogous)情形,即艺术家或者生产者或者天才与他的观众的区别.
2. 類比:第二段,引用了企业管理里面的另一个方面进行类比,好像是关于产品创新或改造的,问第二段对第一段的作用,我选的是类比(analogous)功能.
3. 类似的,模拟的:analog类似物 | analogous类似的,模拟的 | analogous organ同功器官
1. 相似的;类似的;可比拟的
If one thing is analogous to another, the two things are similar in some way.
e.g. Marine construction technology like this is very complex, somewhat analogous to trying to build a bridge under water.
1. corresponding in function but not in evolutionary origin
e.g. the wings of a bee and those of a hummingbird are analogous
2. similar or equivalent in some respects though otherwise dissimilar
e.g. brains and computers are often considered analogous
salmon roe is marketed as analogous to caviar
Synonym: correspondent