1. 惠灵顿:广州市乐风物流有限公司 新西兰国际海运专线: 澳克兰(AUCKLAND) 惠灵顿(WELLINGTON)海运费、海运散货、海运
2. 威灵顿:连我去新西兰 , 和时尚圈晚餐时 ,我旁边那位来自纽约 大都会博物馆 时尚部门的掌门, 都一直跟我说,他觉得(True Blood)那个女主角的嗓门太刺耳了, 他希望那女主角早点死掉 .....我去新西兰,或叫纽西兰(New Zealand)的首都 : 威灵顿(Wellington)、参加当地举办了二十一年 ,
3. 紐西蘭 威靈頓:奉命到纽西兰威灵顿 (Wellington) 出差,出差到这麼远的地方,机会也算是不太多,有点小小的期待可以放假一个礼拜,好好地放松一下,但是结果却是颇为失望...
4. 新西兰 惠灵顿:北京至新西兰 惠灵顿(Wellington)国际特价打折机票价格/查询/预定北京至新西兰惠灵顿(Wellington)国际特价打折机票价格/查询/预定咨询热线 : 010-51664049 65803208 24小时值班主管电话: 13520898218 我们随时为您提供各航空公司
1. 防水胶靴;长筒橡胶雨靴
Wellingtons or wellington boots are long rubber boots which you wear to keep your feet dry.
1. (19th century) a man''s high tasseled boot
Synonym: Hessian boothessianjackbootWellington boot
2. the capital of New Zealand
Synonym: capital of New Zealand
3. British general and statesman
he defeated Napoleon at Waterloo
subsequently served as Prime Minister (1769-1852)
Synonym: Duke of WellingtonFirst Duke of WellingtonArthur WellesleyIron Duke